If you have access to the email associated with your account:
You can log in and change/reset your password at any time under Account -> Settings -> Security Settings. That is advisable if you suspect that somebody has found out your login info. If you have forgotten your password, click here.
Always make sure you keep your login info secret. We advise you to choose a password that is hard to guess (e.g. an arbitrary combination of letters and digits and special characters) and to change/reset your password periodically.
If you do not have access to or can't remember the email associated with your account:
If you need to change your password and don't have access to your registered email anymore – don’t worry! Simply contact our Customer Care Team by clicking "Yes" below with the following info:
- First and Last Name
- Registered Address
- Phone Number
- Date of birth
- Last 4 digits of SSN
- Previous Email Address (if known)
- Current Email Address
In addition to this information, your request must include a copy of your valid, government-issued ID (front and back) and a self-certified ID (a selfie with you holding the ID). Once the email address has been updated on your account, we'll send you a confirmation email and from there you can continue changing your password.
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